KIDC Departments

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Klingon Departments & Units

The Klingon Imperial Diplomatic Corps consists of several departmental divisions in order to better fulfill the needs of a diplomatic mission the size of the Klingon Imperial Embassy. The Head of each department has the responsibility of directly overseeing the organization and management of all that department's members, they are also required to make regular reports directly to the Ambassador on the department's activities and/or special projects. (More detailed information on all of these departments can be found in the Diplomatic Planetary Handbook, which is part of the KIDC membership kit.)


Administration (Office of the Chief of Staff)

This department oversees the maintenance of an efficient and well-organized system of records which are of fundamental importance to the Klingon Imperial Diplomatic Mission and it's members.

Communications Department

This department's work is of a confidential nature and requires the maintenance and operation of all transmitters, receivers and other communications equipment that is required by the Klingon Imperial Diplomatic Mission.
(The position of Head of Communications is still open at this time; only members in good standing of the KIDC can apply and should have at least one year of previous experience in organizing KIDC activities as well as having good leadership and communication skills. They are directed to enquire about this position directly with the Ambassador Lady K'Zin.)

Diplomatic Liaisons

These members of the Klingon Imperial Diplomatic Corps often operate on a solo basis. A Diplomatic Liaison Officer can be attached to a specific ship (Klingon or otherwise), or more often, a specific sector of a planet, to ease communication between their assigned area and the Klingon Imperial Embassy.
(The position of Head of Diplomatic Liaisons is still open at this time; only members in good standing of the KIDC can apply and should have at least one year of previous experience in organizing KIDC activities as well as having good leadership and communication skills. They are directed to enquire about this position directly with the Ambassador Lady K'Zin.)

Diplomatic Courier Ships

A new addition to the Klingon Imperial Diplomatic Corps are the units known as "Diplomatic Courier Ships". A Diplomatic Courier ship is usually assigned to a specific city, province/state or sector of a planet, to ease communication between their assigned area and the Klingon Imperial Embassy.
All diplomatic vessels have a proud history of being named after notable Klingon diplomats. The KIDC's main ship is the IKC Gorkon and the Ambassador's personal shuttlecraft is known as the IKC Azetbur. Our newest courier ship is named after a notable and well-loved Klingon hero who once served as Ambassador to Vulcan - the IKC Kor.

Logistics Department

This department oversees the acquisition, distribution and use of all types of supplies necessary for the smooth running of the Klingon Imperial Diplomatic Mission.
(The position of Head of Logistics is still open at this time; only members in good standing of the KIDC can apply and should have at least one year of previous experience in organizing KIDC activities as well as having good leadership and communication skills. They are directed to enquire about this position directly with the Ambassador Lady K'Zin.)

Medical Unit

This department must be proficient in the treatment of injuries and sicknesses that the mission staff is likely to encounter in the fulfillment of their duties for the Klingon Imperial Diplomatic Mission. This department is presently under the direction of the Senior Medical Officer, 2nd Lieutenant Kadji Kasara.

Research & Information Department

This department is dedicated to the researching of information concerning the local planetary culture, politics and news to prepare files for the use of the Ambassador, Chancellor and Chief of Staff of the Klingon Imperial Diplomatic Corps. This department is presently headed by Commander K'heyrel Vestai De'Hal-Kasara-BaClar.

Security Department

This department's members are divided into several sections based on military and security experience, length of servicein the Klingon Imperial Diplomatic Corps and special recognition for outstanding security duties. This department is presently headed by Captain Makin Sutai Cheghjihtah-Kasara.

Security Officers-In-Training
Title awarded to those members of the ranks of Cadet, Lance Corporal and Corporal.

Security Officer
Ttle awarded to those members who have achieved the rank of Sergeant.

Marine Konsular Guard Company
The elite of the Security Department, these guards have served the Klingon Imperial Diplomatic Corps over a number of years in a distinguished manner.

The KBA - Ambassador's Personal Bodyguards
This elite of the Security Department consists solely of female Klingons, who are better able to accompany the Ambassador Lady K'Zin into a number of more gender-restricted areas without incident. The KBA are ably lead by Captain Lady Katana Vestai Kasara. The term KBA refers to the Klingon Bitches with Attitude; these ladies do not need to carry weapons as their bodies *are* weapons.

Ambassador's Personal Security Advisor
This position is one that requires extreme trust and loyalty towards the Lady K'Zin as this individual is personally responsible for all security, logistical and/or travel arrangements that involve the Ambassador's person. The Advisor also oversees any special martial arts/weapons training involving the KBA Bodyguards in conjunction with the Lady Katana. This position is currently held by Captain Makin Sutai Cheghjihtah-Kasara.

Transportation Department

This department oversees the use and maintenance of all of Klingon Imperial Diplomatic Mission's vehicles and transporter pads. The staff shall also have a duty officer available at all times for the Ambassador's personal travel needs, which includes the maintenance of the main vessel, the IKC Gorkon and the Ambassador's personal shuttlecraft, the IKC Azetbur.
(The position of Head of Transportation is still open at this time; only members in good standing of the KIDC can apply and should have at least one year of previous experience in organizing KIDC activities as well as having good leadership and communication skills. They are directed to enquire about this position directly with the Ambassador Lady K'Zin.)


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