
Photo gallery

Memorial Guestbook

Memorial Mailing list

John Colicos Biography

Links of Interest

 I am compiling a list of links related to Mr. Colicos's works, and will be adding it here as soon as possible.

I also hope to create a system so that fans can submit their own links to fan-related websites related to Mr. Colicos and his work with Star Trek and Battlestar Galactica.

Thank you for your patience during this sad time. I am doing my best to keep up with the loads of work that is required to keep you all up-to-date, all while coping with my own grief at the loss of such a great and honourable man, with whom I had the honour of being associated.

~ Capucine Plourde
Head of the John Colicos Fan Club



Official John Colicos Fan Club & Memorial
This site is hosted by the Klingon Imperial Diplomatic Corps
205 Vinet Avenue, Dorval, QC, Canada H9S 2M5